Friday, May 25, 2007


Last night we arrived in Thailand...what an adventure getting here. We RAN for the plane in the HK airport (I knew that was going to happen at least once but who knew it would be so early in the trip for me!) only to sit for 4 hours before taking off. Apparently there was some technical problem on the plane. We finally arrived and made our way to our hotel only to find that they in fact didn't have any reservations on file althoughwe had the receipt right in our hand. Welcome to Thailand. Luckily they found something for us. And here I am sitting in the lobby in my pajamas writing in my blog because it is the only time Yale or Fernando aren't on their computers. I do what I can.

There is an entirely different feel to Thailand -- we have certianly left the devleoped Asian world. However, I am looking forward to the adventures that await us in Thailand. We have a 7-11 practically next door to us and a movie theatre down the road...I think we are going to catch Pirates tonight.

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