Thursday, May 24, 2007

as they walked and walked...and walked

So yesterday we romped around HK seeing just about everything. The highlights of the day are as follows
  • crazy Italian lady on our bus
  • the gluten-free market...check it out above
  • crazy Dutch people living next door
  • Mango ice cream cones seeing us through right at the point of exhaustion
  • getting turned down from Buddha's big birthday bash because there were already too many people there
  • seeing the temple
  • accidentally speaking French is response to a Chinese person...guess I am that well trained
  • going to bed!!

I was absolutely exhausted when we came back to our hostel and crashed...only to wake up at 5:15.

We started the day on a bus ride down from our military hostel camp acocmpanied by a crazy Italian women spouting or should I say shouting random things off to everyone in bus. At one point we were all ready to pay her way to get on another bus. Once down in the city we went to some fetival/parade that was pretty net. After we walked to Victoria Park -- don't get too excited here, nothing more than cement slabs painted over for soccer fields and basketball courts. Walking and more walking. Causeway Bay...Kolwoon Penninsula...and more that I entirely forget at this point. It was later in the afternoon that I hit rock bottom with jet lag and with a little help from a mango ice cream cone managed to continue on. Walking and more walking. We went to see the temple and ask about doing a session tomorrow. It was really neat to see the temple and hear the stories behind its construction. Dinner. Fernando wanted to have something authentic so Yale spotted a hole-in-the-wall Chinese place with reasonable prices. Well that's about the last time I do authentic. I ordered braised pork and I am not even sure there was meat on that fat cube. (see picture) It was the nastiest consistency -- not that I tried it but from prodding around with my chop sticks I was already disgusted. Yale ordered spicy chicken and ended up with chickens feet....yummy! Needless to say it was one for the record book. Fernando, who ordered eel, was the only one who tried everything. There is a video of him eating chicken feet on his blog

ahhh.....more at home...

The day we left for Thailand we were able to do a session in the morning on our way out. It was incredible! I am so grateful for translations!
So that's a wrap for Hong Kong. It has taken me probably an hour to post all of these dumb pictures...I'm not very savvy with all of this -- still new to blogging.

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